How should the KYMR historical PE ratio be determined?
Realizing that PE stands for Price to Earnings ratio, we need two values to compute it: stock price and earnings per share. The stock price at any given date is a known historical value, but what about the earnings number to use?
✔️Accepted answer:
There are a number of different approaches when it comes to calculating a historical PE ratio for a company like Kymera Therapeutics. We like to take our measurements on each of the past quarterly earnings reports. That only leaves the question of whether the earnings number at that quarterly report should be used on an annualized basis, or some other method. We approach this question using three different methods, on this KYMR Historical PE Ratio page.
What is the average historical PE for KYMR based on annualized quarterly earnings?
As we look back through earnings history, what is the resulting PE calculation if at each measurement period we use that quarter's earnings result annualized?
✔️Accepted answer:
The KYMR historical PE ratio using the annualized quarterly earnings method works out to NA.
What is the average historical PE for KYMR based on trailing twelve month earnings?
As we look back through earnings history, what is the resulting PE calculation if at each measurement period we use the trailing twelve months combined earnings result in the calculation?
✔️Accepted answer:
The KYMR historical PE ratio using the TTM earnings method works out to NA.
On this page we presented the
KYMR Historical PE Ratio information for Kymera Therapeutics' stock.
The average KYMR historical PE based on using the annualized quarterly earnings result at each measurement period (for the "E" in the PE calculation; and the closing price on earnings date as the "P") is NA. Meanwhile, using the trailing twelve month (TTM) quarterly earnings result as our method of calculation the "E" value at each measurement period, the average KYMR historical PE based on this TTM earnings result method is NA. Note: any PE calculations involving negative earnings were discarded as not meaningful.
Let's now compare this KYMR historical PE result, against the recent PE: when this page was posted on 8/22/2024, the most recent closing price for KYMR had been 45.85, and the most recent quarterly earnings result, annualized, was NA. Meanwhile, the most recent TTM earnings summed to NA.
For self directed investors doing their due diligence on KYMR or any other given stock, valuation analysis for KYMR
can greatly benefit from studying the past earnings and resulting PE calculations. This exercise can help inform an analysis
as to whether the past earnings trajectory and current versus historical PE ratios justify the current stock value.
That's why we bring you to make it easy for investors to investigate
Kymera Therapeutics PE history or the past PE information for any stock in our coverage universe.
And in your continued research we hope you will be sure to check out the further links included for earnings
surprises history (beat/miss data) as well as next earnings dates for KYMR. Thanks for visiting, and the next
time you need to research
KYMR Historical PE Ratio or the ratio for another stock, we hope you'll think of our site, as your
go-to historical PE ratio research resource of choice.